Hi! We finally managed to shoot down the Kenzo x H & M assembly, which has been a long time since I love. I was very excited about the collection, and although I was very pleased personally buy the chosen pieces, rather it ordered online. It was a little weird the first time that the top color but not surprised, fantastic! I love this hat, which already last year before (2015) Song of today I received for Christmas, as it is very cold so a good warm coat and picked the rest of your outfit simple. I really like the overall effect, I hope you liked the post!
T-Shirt - Kenzo X H&M
Coat - H&M
Jeans - Bershka
Shoes - Vans
Beanie - Zara
eamil: habzki@icloud.com
By Iris
Megosztás a facebookonHi! I really like the winter is your favorite time of year. In this blog post a very good cold days outfitet can see! I do not know what you have spoken more difficult the giant scarf but I love it, very soft and perfect for a minus. This black jeans and a brown ankle boots I combined of course with a nice pastel pink fabric jacket. I hope you like the post! Kiss! Sziasztok! Nagyon szeretem a telet a kedvenc évszakom. Ebben a blog bejegyzésben egy hideg napokra nagyon jó outfitet láthattok ! Nem tudom ti mit szóltók ehez az óriás sálhoz de én imádom ,nagyon puha és tökéletes a mín
Ezt fekete farmerrel és egy barna bokacsizmával kombináltam meg persze a jó kis pasztell rózsaszín szövet kabáttal . Remélem tetszik a blog poszt! Puszi!
Boots - F&F
Jeans - Bershka
Coat - H&M
Scarv - H&M
Photo by : My Sister
Eamil: habzki@icloud.com
By Iris
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