Hi! You know how I am a big fan Tini Stoessel's who is also my role model. April 2 was the concert of the Budapest aranea, then you can read another post about the event itself as well. I have pictures of the outfit from this post, I love this horse outfit. I like that it fires me on the shoulder and ruffled this part is really like a na midi length. I combined my new beige shoes and black jacket I took it but fortunately did not even need it at night. I loved it there, I still believe I can not stand! You like to outfit?
Sunglasses - H&M
Dress - Zara
Shoes - Zara
Bag - PullandBear
Hello! Last week was no school Wednesday because it was a national holiday, we took advantage of this one extra day with my family and we went to the Gellért Hill. Anyway, I really like this place, I love the view and the Fund is one of my favorite places in Budapest. You've got to like the recent acquisition (?) Is even a cute black and white polka dot trousers cooking. I would have been quite a bit baggy pants and now finally managed to obtain not one. My black sweater and a black jacket also which I combined my black vans shoes I bought. What do you think of the outfit's?
Jacket - F&F
Sweater - H&M
Pants - H&M
Sunglasses - H&M
Shoes - Vans
Backpack - Vans
Bag Charms - H&M
Eamil: habzki@icloud.om
By Iris
Megosztás a facebookonHi! Now we come to my last winter compilation of what we shoot last weekend on the Danube shore. Every morning I'd like to wake up to the sight of what you can see in the background. My favorite coat for've decided that a pastel pink fabric jacket. Bright Silver Metallic and my jeans I combined my shoes. As the sun shone quite so picked up a pair of sunglasses is to it. Anyway, a bit weird to say that this picture is just 13 and now I am already 14 years since I celebrated my birthday on Tuesday. I hope you enjoyed this blog post!
Jeans - Bershka
Coat - H&M
Sunglasses - H&M
Shoes - Zara
eami: habzki@icloud.com
By Iris
Megosztás a facebookonHi! In this blog post is a pretty summer outfitet seen since the autumn weather is quite nice start. So I thought I exploit the opportunity and the recently purchased my skirt up I can! To be honest I was looking for such a thing all summer and finally found it, I think it is very handy front pockets and two specially love it too. Easily combined with the "blue jeans" color me a cream-colored top and black platform shoes I combined my. Oh, and a small "shopping bag" also went with me! I hope you enjoyed this blog post!
Sziasztok! Ebben a blog bejegyzésben egy eléggé nyári outfitet láthatók , mivel az ősz elég szép időjárással indult . Így gondoltam kihasználom az alkalmat és a nemrég beszerzett szoknyámat fel is veszem ! Hogy őszinte legyek egész nyáron ilyet kerestem és végre meg találtam , szerintem nagyon praktikus elöl a két zseb és kifejezetten nagyon tetszik is . Könnyen kombinálható a "kék farmer" színének köszönhetően én egy krém színű felsővel és a fekete platform cipőmmel kombináltam . Ja és kis "bevásárló táskám" is velem tartott! Remélem tetszett a blog bejegyzés!
Top - GAP
Skirt - H&M
Bag - H&M
Sunglasses - H&M
Shoes - PullandBear
By : Írisz
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