Hello! Last week was no school Wednesday because it was a national holiday, we took advantage of this one extra day with my family and we went to the Gellért Hill. Anyway, I really like this place, I love the view and the Fund is one of my favorite places in Budapest. You've got to like the recent acquisition (?) Is even a cute black and white polka dot trousers cooking. I would have been quite a bit baggy pants and now finally managed to obtain not one. My black sweater and a black jacket also which I combined my black vans shoes I bought. What do you think of the outfit's?
Jacket - F&F
Sweater - H&M
Pants - H&M
Sunglasses - H&M
Shoes - Vans
Backpack - Vans
Bag Charms - H&M
Eamil: habzki@icloud.om
By Iris
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