Hi! We finally managed to shoot down the Kenzo x H & M assembly, which has been a long time since I love. I was very excited about the collection, and although I was very pleased personally buy the chosen pieces, rather it ordered online. It was a little weird the first time that the top color but not surprised, fantastic! I love this hat, which already last year before (2015) Song of today I received for Christmas, as it is very cold so a good warm coat and picked the rest of your outfit simple. I really like the overall effect, I hope you liked the post!
T-Shirt - Kenzo X H&M
Coat - H&M
Jeans - Bershka
Shoes - Vans
Beanie - Zara
eamil: habzki@icloud.com
By Iris
Megosztás a facebookonHi! Winter is in full swing and this time he'll want to keep your feet, frozen in half so you'll be touched again on the boots. This year's favorite winter footwear in a "long" or thigh high boots. It is worth to invest in this really sexy boots and if you feel daring and vivid color response units. The runway and I brought inspiration from the street, so go for it combined!
Tom Ford
Fenty x Puma
Elie Saab
Dennis Basso
Street Style Inspiration
Le Happy by Luanna Perez
iEmma Fashion By Emma Istvánffy
Vogue Hous By Barbora Ondrackova
The Blonde Salad By Chiara Ferragni
Caroline Julius
Vogue Hous By Barbora Ondrackova
eamil: habzki@icloud.com
By Iris
Megosztás a facebookon
Hi ! I have been looking forward to finally begin sales make it. We're excited to be looking at a brand page and gyűtötem you would like to purchase my favorites, there are pieces such as a black blazer or a spaghetti top, I definitely want to obtain. I think it is worth the classic winter garments to strike and to think about next season so the compile our list, because no one can do without undergoing list to start shopping! I hope I could help you, good shopping!
1.Pull And Bear
2.Pull And Bear
3.Pull And Bear
4.Pull And Bear
Hi! I really like the winter is your favorite time of year. In this blog post a very good cold days outfitet can see! I do not know what you have spoken more difficult the giant scarf but I love it, very soft and perfect for a minus. This black jeans and a brown ankle boots I combined of course with a nice pastel pink fabric jacket. I hope you like the post! Kiss! Sziasztok! Nagyon szeretem a telet a kedvenc évszakom. Ebben a blog bejegyzésben egy hideg napokra nagyon jó outfitet láthattok ! Nem tudom ti mit szóltók ehez az óriás sálhoz de én imádom ,nagyon puha és tökéletes a mín
Ezt fekete farmerrel és egy barna bokacsizmával kombináltam meg persze a jó kis pasztell rózsaszín szövet kabáttal . Remélem tetszik a blog poszt! Puszi!
Boots - F&F
Jeans - Bershka
Coat - H&M
Scarv - H&M
Photo by : My Sister
Eamil: habzki@icloud.com
By Iris
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